Clueless Joe Jackson

Is Fred Thompson the stupidest man alive, or what? Admittedly, it's not very creative, but that's the only explanation I've got for his assertion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion of Iraq.

"We can’t forget the fact that although at a particular point in time we never found any WMD down there, he clearly had had WMD. He clearly had had the beginnings of a nuclear program."
Jebus. This roundly discredited horseshit not a month after yet another report that even the president himself knew before the invasion that Hussein didn't have WMDs.

So, if not precisely the stupidest man alive, Thompson is certainly an idiot. Steve Benen has been helpfully cataloguing all of Freddie's idiocies, and the list is getting pretty goddamned long. Just from the past couple of weeks, he's responded "I hadn't heard that; I don't know" to a question about lethal injections being ruled unconstitutional in his home state of Tennessee, responded "I don't know anything about it" to a question about the Jena 6, responded "I don't remember the details of it" to a question about Terri Schiavo, responded he doesn't "know all the facts surrounding that case" when asked about hurricane property insurance and said he didn't know there's oil under the Everglades while campaigning in Florida where both subjects are major issues, and noted he couldn't recall Bush's position on Social Security.

This is the Great Conservative Savior? Wow. Well, good luck with your trip to the promised land. Hopefully, Sherpa Freddie will bring a map.

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