Bush Admin: Never Mind The Bollocks

Now that we're done with that SCHIP ordeal, Bush would like to show that he still really loves teh childrens, so much so that the message of abstinence is making its way around the horn again.

Here's the latest ad which features kids telling their parents to tell them to wait and stuff.

The mind boggles over the decision to keep this campaign going, considering that:

A) There are federal reports which exhibit the total failure of the administration's abstinence-only policy.

B) The First Lady thinks her husband's abstinence-only policy applies to his abstaining from reality.

C) First Daughter Jenna is also of the opinion that her father is out of his fucking mind.

Really, Mr. President, you should just cut the shit already and get with the program to actually educate kids on what they NEED to know. After all, you said it best: "Childrens do learn."

[H/T to Feministing]

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