80s Robotz ROOL

While watching a recent Family Guy episode, I was stunned into a stupor of hilarity at a slice of 80's brilliance (of which the show has many). Stewie tries to cheer Brian up by presenting him the robot from Rocky IV. One can debate the film's cultural significance, or lack thereof (what child of the 80's doesn't remember the iconic line "I must break you"? - I still threaten my friends and family with that gem all the time!), but this pure camp moment was a stroke of genius as far as I'm concerned.

Family Guy version:

Rocky IV original:

Ya see, Paulie is just a regular Joe. He's not into all these new-fangled robots. But Rocky is trying to bring him into the futuristic 80s where robots rule. It will be an up-hill battle at best!

The robot's voice actually reminds me of the way Melissa and I greet each other over the phone - in traditional Robot-speak. I have no idea why. Perhaps all the kickass robots of the 80s programmed us into becoming robots ourselves!

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