ZOMG! A Dude Kissed Another Dude on Teh Face! And They're FOOTBALL PLAYERZ!

Someone get these blokes to the NFL's Rehabilitation Center for Beatin' Womminz and Killin' Dogz before they go completely nutz and start fucking each other up the ass!

The Kiss has apparently caused quite a stir.

The quick peck that Florida safety Tony Joiner planted under the left ear of quarterback Tim Tebow on Saturday following Tebow's touchdown run in the Gators' rout of Tennessee was still a hot topic on Monday.

Fans were talking about it on the radio and message boards, and Tebow was still receiving questions about it during his weekly news conference.
Come on, people—everyone experiments during college!

In all seriousness, the two guys are roommates and best friends, and they seem to be completely and blissfully wevvish about the whole thing. When Joiner was asked about it by the media after the game, he said: "That's my roommate. I love him. We've grown close. That's not the first time I've kissed him." And when he was then (unbelievably) asked whether he's kissed other men, he smiled and replied matter-of-factly: "Not many. Probably just my dad and Tim Tebow." Ha. Right on.

For his part, when Tebow was told the kiss had been broadcast, he said: "It was? Oh, I'm going to have to get on him for that."

Naturally, it's now a national story. The media was literally alerted because of two men, who every report seems compelled to point out are of different races, being unapologetically, publicly affectionate with each other. Yeesh.

In other news, approximately 1,200 wet, naked collegiate or professional male athletes slapped each other's wet, naked asses with towels last weekend while wrasslin' in the locker room shower.

[H/T Andy.]

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