Well, Look What's Crawling Out...

By Elle

"There is a major white supremacist backlash building," said Mark Potok, a hate-group expert at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights group in Montgomery, Ala. "I also think it's more widespread than may be obvious to most people. It's not only neo-nazis and Klansmen—you expect this kind of reaction from them."
The mayor of Jena, who says his town is being portrayed unfairly, allowed himself to be interviewed by the leader of a white supremacist organization. What the hell? I mean, my God! Talk about irony.

I'm late posting about this—see Kevin's post (by the way, is anyone appreciating the truth of Elliott's law like I am?):

As an online discussion concerning race grows longer, the probability of a person referencing Martin Luther King, Jr. as a means to justify their racist and/or ignorant attitudes approaches one.
If I read one more "What would Dr. King think..." from someone questioning support of the Jena Six (and who doesn't know anything more about Dr. King than what s/he hears in soundbites) I might insert my fist through this damned monitor.


[I'm a newly-minted PhD, a still-aspiring historian of the United States in the 20th century. More specifically, I study black women's and labor history in the post-World War II South. I'm currently in the middle of adjusting to my first year as a visiting assistant professor of history. Still, my most challenging job by far is mothering a bright, opinionated nine-year-old boy. I blog at elleabd.blogspot.com. Yes, it seemed like the ABD status was permanent!]

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