Conyers Turns Judiciary Committee's Attention to Jena Six

Chairman Conyers Announces Forum, Hearings on Jena Six:

Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) told a crowd gathered on the Capitol grounds that he is holding a forum next week and plans to hold hearings to address the case of six teenagers in Jena, Louisiana who were charged with attempted murder for a schoolyard fight. Conyers spoke during a rally of support for the students, now being called the “Jena Six,” in Washington, in coordination with rallies in Jena and other U.S. cities.

“I want to hold a forum next week and hearings at some point in the Judiciary Committee on this issue because in 2007, there should not even be allegations of unequal justice based on race or any other factors,” Conyers said. …“We’ve reached a point in history where this kind of situation is no longer tolerable.”
I'm pretty certain we've "reached that point" half a dozen other times in my lifetime and many times before, but here's hoping this time sticks.

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