
Way to go, Harvey (IL) Police Department:

Cook County law-enforcement officials Tuesday announced indictments in two more cold-case murders stemming from a raid on the Harvey Police Department this year, and said they also are investigating about 200 rape kits found in the suburb's evidence vault, many of which were never sent to the state crime lab.
Some of the evidence goes back a decade. At least one cold rape case of the approximately 50 with viable DNA evidence has also now led to charges based on the recovered kits.

The article (quite rightly) talks about how justice has been elusive for the victims because of the languishing rape kits. What it doesn't mention is how many other victims have been created by the rapists never brought to justice for wont of laziness and incompetence.

But what we really need to be talking about is how none of this would be a problem if only women would start playing a part in their own safety.

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