Where Are My SYTYCDancers?

On the off-chance that there's anyone who TiVoed the final of SYTYCD but hasn't watched it yet, and because I would feel like an enormous shit if I spoiled it for them, I'm putting this entire post under the fold. So only join me below (and in comments) if you aren't worried about spoilers.

"I can't take the smile off my face, and it's hurting so bad."
Sabra Johnson, winner of So You Think You Can Dance

Okay, can we talk about how bloody excited I am that Sabra won? Going into the final, I was rooting equally for Sabra and Danny. Although I was rooting for Danny from Day One and want to lick the sweat off him every time I look at him, Sabra was my dark horse candidate who just kept growing on me. Not only is she a splendid dancer, but I'd love to just hang out with her and talk shit all day because she's hilarious. So, either way, I was going to be happy no matter who won. But I was in agreement with Nigel (and bless him for saying so) that it would be nice if a girl won, since guys won the first two times. And I found myself, the closer it drew to the end, hoping a little bit more for Sabra, maybe because I was figuring Danny had won it.

Anyway, in tribute to the lovely Ms. Johnson, here's a clip of one of my favorite performances of the entire season, with Neil.

And one last time, here's the runner-up Danny Tidwell, who dances so beautifully, he takes my breath away:

Last night, just as we were drifting off to sleep, Mr. Shakes said quietly, "I wish Pasha had won." It was the sweetest thing. I said, "Awwww," in the same voice you use when a puppy tumbles off the couch, looking adorable and pathetic all at once. "That's because he's the dancer you most want to be, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he said.

So, for Mr. Shakes, here's Pasha with winner Sabra, in the quickstep routine where Pasha's costuming prompted him to deem himself "Code Name: Sparklepants."

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