Time For A New Slide Show

Remember that knee-slapping hilarious slide show where Georgie looked all around the White House for WMD? My eyes are still-a-tearin' with all out giddiness from that one. Well, I think he could really boost his ratings if he came up with a new slide show where he scours the Pentagon offices looking for MRAPs, those life saving vehicles that would "support the troops."

The Pentagon will fall far short of its goal of sending 3,500 lifesaving armored vehicles to Iraq by the end of the year. Instead, officials expect to send about 1,500.

Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said Wednesday that while defense officials still believe contractors will build about 3,900 of the mine-resistant, armor-protected vehicles by year's end, it will take longer for the military to fully equip them and ship them to Iraq.
Of course, who needs MRAPs when you have evangelical material to help you out?

Get crackin, Georgie! I just can't wait to see all those damn funny places you'd be searching!

[H/T to Steve]

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