Putin on the Glitz

When, in 2001, President Bush declared he'd gazed into Russian President Vladimir Putin's eyes and "was able to get a sense of his soul," perhaps what he really saw that was so attractive was a fellow sexxxy cowboy:

When Vladimir Putin stripped down to the waist for the cameras, his muscled torso made headlines around the world.

And one week on, the ripples are still being felt in Russia, where he has become a sex symbol, the inspiration for men to start pumping iron, and the new darling of the gay lobby.

And, apparently, Pootie-Poot likes to play other kinds of dress-up, too.

Well-known as a downhill skier and black belt in judo, he has appeared on national television driving a truck, operating a train, sailing on a submarine and co-piloting a fighter jet.
Who knew the two heads of the erstwhile Cold War poles had so much in common? Beady eyes, contempt for democracy, delusions of dictatorship, and prancing about like wankers in silly get-ups. Two peas in a pod, I tells ya!

Anyway, for my money, Putin's never been sexxxier than when kissing a little boy like a kitten.


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