More Gonzo

"Nobody likes me. I'm gonna sit in the corner and eat wet cigarette butts!"

The AP is reporting that Gonzo's likely temporary replacement is "Solicitor General Paul Clement, who would take over until a permanent replacement is found, according to a senior administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity." That would be the same Paul Clement who failed to "appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Gonzales' numerous and increasingly overlapping bad acts," so: yay.

Pam wonders: "When shall we expect to see him to receive a Medal of Freedom from Dear Leader?"

Paul Kiel spins Gonzo's Greatest Hits, while Spencer Ackerman amusingly, painfully, and truthfully notes: "We may never see his like again. Well, at least not until the confirmation hearings for his successor."

Meanwhile, on the Chertoff rumor, Mr. Shakes comments: "Castle Greyskull will be lonely without him." And Richard Blair reminds us where we need to start to start asking questions about Chertoff's suitability for the position.

And of course there's more Goodbye Gonzo than you can shake a stick at over at Memeorandum.

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