Half Hour Crap Hour: Buh-Bye

Shockingly, Fox's SVP of programming, Bill Shine, sent out a memo stating their wonderfully successful right-wing version of The Daily Show is headed for the bin:
Joel Surnow and I have mutually decided that we will not continue the Half Hour News Hour beyond its current 15 episode run. The last show will be presented on September 16th.

While HHNH performed admirably in the ratings and Kurt Long and Jennifer Robertson did a wonderful job, we are considering ways to retool the show for future scheduling needs. There is still a chance you will see the program at some point in the future.
There's also a chance that a titty-bar will open on the grounds of The Vatican, but not bloody likely. With all the great reviews out there, it's amazing that they lasted 15 episodes.

These are my personal favorites:
"You couldn't skewer a cube of tofu with material this dull."

"It's even worse than anyone imagined. "

"The 1/2 Hour News Hour is slow torture all by itself. "

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