GOP Activists Found Dead in Florida Double Murder-Suicide

My oh my:

A Republican political consultant and two other men were found dead in a home in an apparent double-murder and suicide, authorities and relatives said. Authorities have not determined a motive for the deaths of Ralph Gonzalez, 39, his roommate, David Abrami, 36, and a friend, Robert Drake, 30.

Investigators found weapons and signs of a struggle in the house, but they did not say what the weapons were or which man they believe was the killer. The men are believed to have died several days before the bodies were discovered Thursday.

Gonzales served as director of the Georgia Republican Party from 2001-2002 and managed Representative Tom "Total Crook" Feeney's 2002 campaign. He was also "president of Strategum Group, an Orlando-based political consulting firm that represents Republican candidates."

Abrami was also a Republican activist, who, among other things, was investigated by the Secret Service in 1992 when he organized a turkey shoot using blown-up pictures of then-president Bill Clinton as targets.

No info on Drake. At least one story posits, however, that he was the shooter, which is unconfirmed.

Early AP reports called the incident a lovers' quarrel, but that language has been removed from later dispatches.

[Thanks to Blogenfreude for the heads up.]

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