
In Things I Could Have Told You For Free:

A new report reveals what women already know: Men get rewarded for getting angry at work, while women who do the same thing are penalized and regarded as incompetent and "out of control."
In the first video test, all the candidates' scripts were identical except where the candidate described feeling either angry or sad about losing an account due to a colleague's late arrival at a meeting. Participants gave the highest status to the man who said he was angry, the second most to the woman who said she was sad, slightly less to the man who said he was sad, and least of all, and by a sizable margin, to the woman who said she was angry.

When asked to estimate the average salary for each candidate, the participants assigned almost $38,000 to the angry man but only about $23,500 to the angry woman while the other two candidates were estimated to earn approximately $30,000 each.

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