Someone Call the Waaaaaaaahhhmbulance!

Wal-Mart's CEO is just so darned mad at the people of NYC! Those meanies! They're such bullies! He wants to come in and put up some of his big shiny stores, and they just won't let him, darn it!

First, a little bit from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, then the money quote:

Wal-Mart May Never Enter Manhattan
Still, Stuart Applebaum, president of The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, which is leading the charge against Wal-Mart in New York, said Scott's comments were good news for the union. The union represents 100,000 workers throughout the U.S. and Canada, including 45,000 workers in New York.

"They are going to find that no matter where they are in New York City, the response is going to be the same," Applebaum said. "New Yorkers will not tolerate their way of operating. Their promises of low prices come at too high of a cost."

Applebaum said that if Wal-Mart were able open in New York -- the nation's largest city -- it would mean that there "would be no place that would be off limits."
After the way Wal-Mart elbowed their way into Chicago recently, I'm admitting to a heaping spoonful of schadenfreude here. Wal-Mart's not getting what they want for once. Hah! And this made me grin:
In an interview with The New York Times, published Wednesday, Lee Scott, Wal-Mart chief executive and chairman, said that trying to conduct business in New York was so expensive that "I don't think it is worth the effort. I don't care if we are ever here," he told The New York Times at a meeting with editors and reporters on Tuesday.
You don't want me? Fine! I don't care! I don't want to be in your stinky 'ol city, anyway! I'm taking my exploited workers and going home!

Of course, it's high costs, not the strong campaign against Wal-Mart that caused this tantrum.


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