Rudy McRomney

Conservatives not happy with GOP candidates leading the field:

Leading conservatives yesterday attacked the Republican party as big-government, free-spending coddlers of illegal immigrants and said the country's conservatives should withhold support from the GOP's current slate of presidential nominees to force them to the right.

…"We should withhold support from all major Republican [presidential] candidates today. Not one of them deserves our support today," [Richard Viguerie , chairman of] told a ballroom full of activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual meeting yesterday.

…At least one conference participant sported a sticker that featured a circle with a line drawn through the words "Rudy McRomney"—broadcasting the wearer's opposition to the early leaders in polls for the GOP nomination, former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani , Senator John McCain of Arizona, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.
Rudy McRomney. I wonder what he would look like?


Steve Benen's got an interesting post on former Virginia Gov. James Gilmore, the possible Republican candidate that just may be "the proverbial bomb-thrower who’s prepared to burn the house down." He's not shy about agreeing that Rudy McRomney is far too liberal for good conservatives.

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