A Request

So…the surge needs 7,000 more troops than the administration originally said, the Army is ordering injured troops to Iraq, the switch to a private maintenance company (which is just coincidentally a subsidiary of Halliburton) might be responsible for some of the troubles at Walter Reed, the Army has now forced Walter Reed's 2002-04 commander, Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley, to retire, after forcing current Walter Reed commander, Maj. Gen. George W. Weightman, and Army Secretary Francis Harvey to resign, and GOP presidential candidate John McCain has announced he's in favor of retaining the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy (under which hundreds of servicemen and servicewomen have been discharged including many much-needed Arabic translators), in spite of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Shalikashvili's and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen's support of repealing the policy.

I know the GOP's got the rep for Supporting the Troops, but maybe we could all start rethinking that. Whaddaya say, America?

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