Question of the Day

Suggested by Spudsy after a rather amusing exchange in the comments thread to this post: "What song should accompany the faggoty little dance we'll do when Coulter finally crashes & burns?"

Mustang Bobby says: "Duh: Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead. Appropriate, and from the #1 Gay Icon Movie of All Time."

Dean Lewis suggests the Hamster Dance song—haha.

I say we all put on our pink tutus, jump into big barrels of nuclear waste, and then do a faggy little dance to The Dickies' Toxic Avenger.

He was 98 lbs. of solid nerd until he became...


Btw, feel free to disregard that graphic content warning unless you're younger than 13 or think that ketchup on macaroni looks like real brains.

[As always, misogyny and homophobia warning is in effect. Remember, the idea is to be better than her.]

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