I The Onion

Man Who Plays Devil's Advocate Really Just Wants To Be Asshole:

COLUMBUS, MO—Though area graphic designer Derek Sills says he plays devil's advocate to help his friends better understand opinions different from their own, sources close to Sills claim he takes on the dissenting role merely to be an asshole.

"Now, I don't actually believe this or anything but, for the sake of argument, let's say your girlfriend is just dating you for your money," Sills said at a party last Saturday, after asking a group of friends to consider that the telephone may have been a "stupid invention." "Just playing devil's advocate here, guys, but perhaps slavery is the reason African Americans are so successful in sports these days."

According to sources, Sills "crossed the line" when he asked if their friend Jamie's mother might have deserved to die.
Awesome. H/T Christopher.

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