Here's What Annoys Me

Michelle Malkin, in a post on the military health care system and how much Government-run health care "sucks,"spawned by the Walter Reed scandal (I don't link to her; it's in one of today's posts):
Will the Bush-bashers join with free-market critics to effect real change and help the troops who need and deserve better care?
Implying, of course, that if the troops don't get better care, it's all the left's fault for not doing enough. Because, you know, no one on the left has been demanding better care for the troops or investigations into Walter Reed.

Meanwhile, how is the right blogosphere doing on the Walter Reed scandal?


In all fairness, Instapundit managed to cough up a post about the scandal. "This sucks." And that's about all that needs to be said, apparently.

I do so love this method of twisting responsibility around. Kind of like wingnuts that demand tons and tons and TONS of documentation about any negative comment you may have about the right, while feeling perfectly free to ignore your requests for "proof" when they start slinging the crap.

So, come on you Bush Bashers! Get to work! Fixing this is your responsibility!

Update: As oddjob points out, Bush, Cheney and Halliburton pop up again, and gee, there's that "privatization." Comments, Michelle?

(Energy Dome tip to C&L.)

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