Beautiful Edinburgh

This is a short film called Koya Moments (referencing Ron Fricke's film Koyaanisqatsi), made by Edinburgh photography teacher Ewen Meldrum. Meldrum, who took thousands of photographs over two years to create the time-lapse film, says he decided to make the film to counter Edinburgh's negative image built by pop culture: "I was sick of Edinburgh always being portrayed as being full of junkies and people always repeating the statistic that it is the Aids capital of the world. So I set about making this film showing what a stunning place Edinburgh is."

Success. The film is spectacular.

Having lived a short time myself in Scotland's capitol and Mr. Shakes' hometown, I hardly needing convincing that Edinburgh is a lovely city. I imagine there is hardly a more beautiful place on the planet than Edinburgh during its August festival, when its every inch down to the very cobblestones of the Royal Mile virtually hum with the vigor of music and art and grand fucking life. But if you've not been there, not stood under its magnificent skies looking out over the Firth of Forth on a perfect Scottish sunny day, you'll feel like you have after watching Meldrum's exquisite ode.

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