A Tale of Two Stories

One, an opinion piece.

All right, ladies, the gig is up. It’s time for all of us to get married, including you.

…Look, ladies, deciding not to marry for your own well-being is one thing, but it is we you’re not marrying in the process. Your decision is killing single men — literally.

Single men partake in more risky behavior than married men. We eat badly, smoke more, and avoid doctors’ offices. We die younger. And we’re far more likely to wake up in a pile of crumpled newspapers still clutching the tequila bottle we began sipping from two days before.
The other, a news item.

An Upper East Side man testified at his murder trial yesterday, describing what he saw as his wife’s decade-long mental breakdown and admitting that he grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the kitchen of their home.

…[S]he rebuffed his advances, even when he brought her flowers.

Although he cooked, she refused to pick up his plate after dinner, complaining, "I'm not your maid."

"I'm telling you, this was the house of hell," he said.
Sheelzebub and Jessica provide all the commentary you need. I just found it amusing that I read these stories almost back-to-back, and all I could think was, "Kill or be killed, bitchez."

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