Shaker Gourmet

Our recipe this week comes from Dina:

Butternut Bruschetta

1 med butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed
3-4 portabello mushroom caps, wiped clean and diced
1 bulb garlic
olive oil (or canola/veg/cooking spray)
salt & pepper
2 oz goat cheese
Italian or French bread baguette

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Slice off very tip of garlic bulb so you can see the tops of the cloves, but leave the entire bulb intact/unpeeled; place on top of a sheet of aluminum foil, drizzle with 1 Tbsp oil, sprinkle w/s&p, and wrap loosely in foil.

In a flat roasting pan/baking sheet lined w/aluminum foil and rubbed w/oil, lay the squash on one half and mushroom on other; place wrapped garlic smack in the middle.

Place pan in preheated oven and roast for 30-40 minutes until everything's softened and cooked through.

While roasting, slice bread into rounds about 1/2-inch thick and lightly toast in toaster (or in oven with squash & 'shroom to conserve energy).

Remove roasting pan from oven and let cool 10 minutes, being sure to unwrap garlic otherwise it'll be too hot to handle.In a med bowl, squeeze out as many garlic cloves as you like and smash 'em up w/a fork until smooth; add goat cheese and about 1/3 of the roasted squash and continue mixing well. Salt & pepper again to taste, if you wish.

Spread mixture onto each slice of bread, then top with equal parts remainingsquash & mushroom.

That sounds soooooo good!

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