Shaker Gourmet

It's that time again! This week's recipe comes from Shaker katecontinued:

Majudarrah - Lebanese Lentils and Rice

1 cup lentils
1/2 -1 cup rice
1 medium to large onions
olive oil
salt & pepper
3 cups water (watch this, may need some more)
plain yogurt for garnish

Sweat the onions: peel and slice or dice them, then fry them slowly in some olive oil until they are golden brown. Add the lentils, water and salt and pepper; cook 15 minutes, then add the rice, cover the pot and finish cooking. I prefer a thick stew, add more water if you desire. Serve with a dollop of yogurt for each bowl. Crusty bread or pita. Serves: 4-6

During the Reagan reign I was almost as poor as I am now. During those years I fixed it every week as a staple because it was pennies per meal. Add pasta or egg noodles instead of rice, add stewed beef, pork or chicken. Add vegetables of the season. This lovely, hot dish can be a starting point.

As always, if you'd like to participate in Shaker Gourmet, email me at: fire.of.psyche (at)

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