quote of the day

From the What Kind of Answer Is That Department:

"No, absolutely, although I'm a Christian, and I believe in creation," He said. "You ought to teach creation as well as the fact of evolution," Mr.Chisolm said, though he said "all of those kinds of sciences have holes in them. ... But I'm not about teaching religion in schools."
That completely sensible answer comes from Warren Chisum, legislator in Texas (R-Pampa) who is also the House Appropriations Committee Chairman there. He is responding to being asked if he agrees with a memo he was circulating in the legislature that states: teaching evolution is teaching religion in schools because evolution amounts to indoctrinating students in an ancient Jewish sect's beliefs, Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein were kabbalists, and that Hollywood has an "unrelenting role in flooding the movie theaters with explicit or implicit endorsement of evolutionism." This memo was authored by a Georgia lesgislator named Ben Bridges.

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