No!! You're Kidding!!

I know this is going to completely shock you all... perhaps we should position ourselves by the fainting couches, yes?

As Shakes pointed out yesterday, Bill O'Reilly's completely baffling attack on kidnapping victim/captive Shawn Hornbeck was proven to be completely unjustified. O'Reilly said he would "apologize" if he was proven "wrong." Well, guess what? He's as wrong as he can possibly be.

True to form, he isn't apologizing. In fact, he's claiming he knew it all along.

Nevertheless, on the February 5 edition of The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly not only failed to apologize for his remarks, he did not even mention them. Discussing the new charges, O'Reilly claimed: "[W]e all knew this was coming. ... These poor boys [were] subjected to this monster. ... [A]s journalists, we have to say 'alleged' and this, that, and the other thing, but ... we all know what this is."
Words cannot begin to describe how vile Bill O'Reilly is.

More, with video at the link, if you can stand it. Nice to see that Fox is continuing their standard of excellence in broadcasting.

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