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It may seem perverse to suggest that, at the very moment the House of Representatives is repudiating his policy in Iraq, President Bush is poised for a political comeback. But don't be astonished if that is the case.
I'd love to do a fisking of David Broder's entire column-from-another-dimension, but my brain keeps shorting out every time I try. Plus, Steven D's already done a damn fine job.

You know the proverbial adage about 1,000 monkeys typing? Although it would be interesting if, given eternity, one would come up with an exact replica of a David Broder column, I say instead of wasting so much time, just give a single monkey a typewriter and control of the column from here on out. I'm quite certain it will be an improvement on Broder.

This has nothing to do with anything, really, but start at minute 10 and have a vaguely related laugh anyway.

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