"But we were wrong."

Top Gear is a long-running British television show in which its presenters talk about cars and do silly challenges, like racing in unusual vehicles or competing to buy the best car for the least money, etc. Recently, they did a few shows in America. In one episode, two of them each had a used car and they were going to try to see who could sell theirs for more. The segment was to be filmed in New Orleans—but when they got there and saw how devastated the area was, the plan quickly changed.

"A year had passed since Katrina had blown through, and we sort of
assumed that after 12 months the wealthiest nation on earth would
have fixed it. But we were wrong."

The hat tip goes to Mike the Mad Biologist, whose first commenter says, "Isn't it great that a car show from a foreign country can provide a harder-hitting commentary on this than any of the news shows in this one." Wretched.

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