Bush is going to be announcing his "Iraq plan" on Wednesday (shorter version: more cannon fodder), and it's going to be the same old crap. You know how I know this? Because the leadup is the same old crap:
White House press secretary Tony Snow said Monday that Bush "understands there is a lot of public anxiety" about the war. On the other hand, he said that Americans "don't want another Sept. 11" type of terrorist attack and that it is wiser to confront terrorists overseas in Iraq and other battlegrounds rather than in the United States.Still conflating Iraq and 9/11, still using fear of terrorists to sell the war, still refusing to listen to "the public," still speaking for all Americans and still using the tired "fight them there so we don't have to fight them here" talking point. Snore. I'll bet they could rerun the same speech from last year and no one would notice.
Snow said he contacted television networks Monday morning to request air time for the president's speech, to be delivered at the White House. He said the administration welcomes a debate about Bush's new policy.Hint: He won't.
"I think it's important to get congressional support," the spokesman said. Yet he would not say whether Bush will seek specific congressional approval for his new strategy.
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