In Which I Clear Up Some Confusion

David "The Fart Button" Usher is at it again, with a new column delightfully called The Tyranny of Feminist Jurisprudence, in which he reveals that, at long last, "some judges are waking up to the truth: behind the mysterious veil of feminist humanism hides the most profound contempt for men, marriage, and ultimately the well-being of non-elitist women."

("Non-elitist women," of course, being women who regard their rightful place in subservience to men, as opposed to "elitist women," who have the unmitigated temerity to consider themselves autonomous beings equal to men.)

Once again, I'll just express amusement at the assertion that it is feminists who are indicted for being contemptuous of men and non-feminist women. Personally, I have a deep fondness for both men and women generally, and reserve my contempt for those who make it their business to deny my self-governance and bodily sovereignty. Usher, being a man who's made it not only his business, but his career, to do precisely that would thusly probably find himself quite regularly at the blunt end of feminists' ire. That doesn't mean we hate all men; it just means we hate him.

(Via Vanessa.)

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