Efficiency, Bitchez

They're crankin'.
WASHINGTON - House Democrats sprinting to finish six bills on terrorism, the minimum wage, drug prices and other issues are well ahead of the 100-hour deadline they gave themselves to do it.

By new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's clock, they began Thursday morning with more than 60 hours remaining and only one measure left: an energy bill with $15 billion in new fees, royalties and taxes for the oil industry. A celebration was planned later Thursday once it's passed.

On Wednesday, seven hours ticked off the Democrats' 100-hour clock for passing an agenda the party had told voters they would enact after sweeping to victory in November.

According to Pelosi's count, it has taken just over 34 hours to pass the first five bills, including a measure Wednesday to lower interest rates on some student loans.
I'm particularly happy to see that student loans bill. Bush has threatened to veto it, but I'm glad to see that the Dems are keeping higher education in mind.

It's nice to see something getting done in Congress for a change... well, something done that isn't designed to screw us all, and make the rich richer. I'm just hoping the Dems won't decide they can just sit back once the first 100 hours have ended. Have your little party, then get back to work, folks.

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