Edwards Responds to SOTU

In his rebuttal to the SOTU, John Edwards made two points in particular I really liked.

1. Bush is an incompetent liar. "[T]he president once again made it clear that we cannot count on him to be honest about our challenges or offer the bold solutions we need to meet them." That point really can't be made enough.

2. Bush has left a giant stinking mess that necessitates a unique clean-up crew. "President Bush has left us a legacy of challenges that can only be met with courage, conviction and bold change." This point, lesser made, is no less important. It's not going to be Business As Usual for the next president. S/he is going to be tasked not only with the immense job of being president, but also with undoing a fuckload of damage done by his/her predecessor. We really do need someone who's up for the job—which surely begins with addressing the scope of that job in precisely this way.

Other stuff…

This is a full-page ad running today in Roll Call, placed by
John Edwards. Sign the petition to tell Congress No Funding for Escalation
here. Also, you can join Edwards tonight for a live discussion of the SOTU.

Click to go to his website.

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