President Bush concedes he isn't popular, and that the war in Iraq isn't either. Yes, progress is overdue and patience is all but gone. Yet none of that changes his view that more U.S. troops are needed to win in Iraq.Not to state the (used-to-be-)obvious, but listening to the will of the people isn't "trying to be popular." It's doing his fucking job. The president's job isn't to do whatever the fuck he wants to do irrespective of the will of the people, telling them he knows what's best for them, like some tyrannical daddy. The president's job is leading a democracy—and in a democracy, the voice and choice of the people matter. Substantively matter, more than just the finger-wag or back-pat of a job approval poll.
"I'm not going to try to be popular and change principles to do so," Bush said in a television interview that aired Sunday night.
Digging in for confrontation, Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more U.S. troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it."And the American people can stick bipartisanship straight up their asses," Bush said, "and follow that with a fuck-your-dreams-of-the-war-ending chaser."
"I fully understand they could try to stop me," Bush said of the Democrat-run Congress. "But I've made my decision, and we're going forward."
Impeachment Now. It's the only way to stop the madness.
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