In what's now being reported as a tiff between John Edwards and Hillary Clinton, this is what was actually said:
Edwards: "Silence is betrayal, and I believe it is a betrayal not to speak out against the escalation of the war in Iraq," Edwards told a crowd at Manhattan's Riverside Church, where Martin Luther King had declared his opposition to the Vietnam War. "If you're in Congress and you know that this war is going in the wrong is no longer OK to study your options and keep your own private counsel," he said. "Silence is betrayal. Speak out and stop this escalation now."
Clinton adviser Howard Wolfson: "In 2004, John Edwards used to constantly brag about running a positive campaign. Today, he has unfortunately chosen to open his campaign with political attacks on Democrats who are fighting the Bush administration's Iraq policy."
He has? I don't see where he says anything about Democrats at all, no less Hillary Clinton specifically. And, quite frankly, when I first read his comments, I was thinking more about the Republicans about whom we keep hearing who "privately" express reservations about the war and the president's management of it, but publicly say fuck-all. It wasn't until Wolfson opened his yapper that I considered Edwards' statement applied to Clinton at all.
I've got to second PSoTD who notes: "Wolfson's statement is just so craven. And yet, so feeble and pathetic. It just adds to my doubts about her candidacy."
And I'll add that Edwards' statement adds to my support of his.
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