But, sir, every plant in town will die. Owls will deafen us with incessant hooting. The town sun dial will be useless!

This is what happens when you watch nothing but FOX. Not only will you be less informed and fed a constant diet of Republican lies and fabrications, you may even begin believing what you see on one of their animated programs.

And that, my friends, leads to goofy shit like this:
The US government wants the world’s scientists to develop technology to block sunlight as a last-ditch way to halt global warming, the Guardian has learned. It says research into techniques such as giant mirrors in space or reflective dust pumped into the atmosphere would be “important insurance” against rising emissions, and has lobbied for such a strategy to be recommended by a major UN report on climate change, the first part of which will be published on Friday.
Yes, rather than do something simple like, oh, reduce emissions and require business to clean up their act, let's do something business friendly, like create GIANT SPACE MIRRORS! Why, I'll just bet that Halliburton already has blueprints!

To quote Steve:

Hmm, blocking sunlight… I seem to recall an episode of The Simpsons on this very subject.

Meet the administration’s new climate change czar: C. Montgomery Burns.

As if ripping off Mister Burns isn't bad enough, they're also directly cribbing from another Fox show:

All right... what else we got?

I'm amazed they didn't suggest dropping a giant ice cube in the ocean.

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