
What a nutter:

Police have arrested a mother who took her dog shopping inside a Scottsdale Fashion Square department store while leaving her sleeping toddler in her car with a valet.

Gardenia Zakrzewski Johansson, 39, who told police she is a Montessori schoolteacher…said she stopped by the cosmetics section to pick up eye makeup remover and ran into a friend and engaged in a brief conversation.
The police were called by a 24-year-old valet who, upon seeing the baby in the car, called his mom "to ask her if she thought leaving the child inside the car was wrong. She told him that it was. She also told him to call security or police, which he did." (Is it just me, or is that mother-son exchange weirdly adorable?)

The shopping trip took a half-hour, according to time estimates in the report.

As Zakrzewski Johansson was questioned by police, she asked an officer "if she was in trouble."

The officer replied, "Yes."
Gee, ya think?!

She said she planned to tip [the valet] for the service.
Oh, well, that's all right, then.

I really wonder sometimes how people who appear to be too stupid to function end up being parents, and then I remember that it's not usually becoming a parent that takes effort; it's not becoming one.

Via Christopher at After School Snack.

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