"No tengo futuro (I have no future)," Jeb Bush told Spanish-language reporters in Miami, when asked about any possible political ambitions after he steps down next month.Wah wah wah. It would be a damn shame if we didn't get a third President Bush after the first two were so awesome. Yeesh.
The popular, two-term governor has often been touted as a savvy politician with a good chance of following both his brother and father, George H.W. Bush, into the White House.
But the unpopularity and dismal job-approval ratings of his brother may have scuttled any plans Jeb Bush may have had for a future in politics after running one of America's most crucial swing states for the past eight years.
Floridian Mustang Bobby comments: "Compared to his brother, Jeb is the smarter of the two (then again, so is the philodendron I have in my living room), and he hasn't completely trashed the place. That, however, is not a positive recommendation for a job: 'He didn't screw up too badly'."
Indeed. Let's just retire the Bushes, yes? Enjoy your time on the ranch, boys, doing whatever it is you nutbags do until Babs yells at you to knock it off before she whips your ass with the pearls.
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