Inland Empire

If there’s anything that might save me from being the last one out of the Matrix, it could be my love of David Lynch films. I’ve known people—people with excellent taste and open minds—who couldn’t sit through five minutes of Eraserhead, but I’ve probably watched it a dozen times. And you seriously, truly, do not want to get me started on Twin Peaks or Wild at Heart, because I am incapable of discussing either without being embarrassingly effusive.

Normally, when a director I really like has a new film coming out, I tend to avoid all press about it, including trailers, because I prefer to know as little as possible about films before I see them. But with David Lynch, I know the trailers won’t spoil anything, because they are always so creepily vague. So I was pleased to discover the trailer for his new film Inland Empire at Slog.

Ooh, very Lynchy. I can’t wait!

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