Appalachian State University is, like, totally hot or something. Found this at After School Snack, where Christopher says: "If I needed another degree, I'd definitely go to Appalachian State, just on the strength of this recruitment video." LOL.

Personally, I can't decide which bit I like best. I'm pretty partial to the picture they chose to accompany the lyrics: "Building our hopes / upon a great tradition."

A great tradition—you know, that straight old white dude tradition! *wink*

But then I also like the part where they try to prove they welcome black people, too, and as the male black gospel voice swells in the totally hot ASU theme song, they put up this picture:

See? Black people go here, too!

Tough call. The whole thing is really just magnificent from top to bottom. You've completely sold me, ASU. You totally are HOT HOT HOT!

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