From the Nothing's So Shite You Can't Laugh Files

Mr. Shakes: Fook fook fook fook fook! FOOK!

Shakes: This really is your fault, you know.

Mr. Shakes: Hoo's that?

Shakes: You jinxed yourself. Last night you were bragging about how you've not had a cigarette in almost four weeks*, how you've been stressed and upset and had to spend a week away from me [for a business trip], and none of it had driven you back to smoking. I believe your exact words were, "Noo matter what's happened, I haven't started back oon the fags." You tempted fate, and fate said, "Fuck you. Try this on for size."

Mr. Shakes: HA HA HA HA HA HA! Fook.

Shakes: Fook is right.

Mr. Shakes: Boot I haven't had a cigarette!

Shakes: Nor me. Yay us!

Mr. Shakes: Yay us!


* Mr. Shakes and I quit smoking on Thanksgiving. Cold turkey, ho ho.

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