All creatures great and small
Gecko sits and watches all
From perches short and tall
— The Creatures, "Gecko"
Sister geckos doing it for themselves:
The survival of at least one species does not depend on men.The all-female populations do "a better job of colonising areas," and even though they lack "a bit of the genetic variation" of breeding with males, the daughters are not exact clones. I'm not sure what these sassy bitchez are supposed to be mourning, exactly.
The female mourning gecko has found a way to simulate sex and produce eggs, rendering her male counterpart redundant, scientists have found.
…"They have an unusual reproductive strategy which allows populations to consist only of females," NT Environment Minister Marion Scrymgour said today.
"Males are not necessary to fertilise and initiate egg production (which) permits the mourning gecko to be a very successful invasive species."
Aww, just kidding, fellas!
In an amusing twist of coincidence, the Australian city being most affected by "the invading female hordes" is Darwin.
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