Colorado: Hotbed of Gay Evangelical Sex

Part Three in an ongoing series…

As part of "an examination of the staff's moral makeup" at New Life Church in Colorado Springs after Ted Haggard's meth-fueled big gay fall from grace, an executive staff member has also resigned for sexual misconduct and "other mistakes."

Christopher Beard
His name is Beard. BEARD! You can't make this shit up, people.

who headed a ministry that trained young adults in leadership skills, stepped down Friday after admitting to "a series of decisions displaying poor judgment, including one incident of sexual misconduct several years ago," said Rob Brendle, an associate pastor at the 14,000- member church.

Citing confidentiality over personnel issues, Brendle would not discuss the nature of the sexual misconduct except to say it did not involve Haggard or a minor.
What a relief! And a refreshing change of pace.

Beard, a New Life employee for nine years, was not married at the time of the incident but is now, Brendle said.
To Mrs. Beard. Oh lawdy, save me!

Beard's "voluntary" resignation has been classified by (remaining) church leaders as "another step toward making sure the 'disordered moral life' demonstrated in Haggard's fall is 'excised from the church'," and they would also like to remind you that being gay is the ultimate hallmark of a disordered moral life—and the only thing that can get your ass fired, even if you are obviously Teh Crazy.

In 2002, Beard was reprimanded by church officials after he staged a missionary training drill using fake assault weapons. A SWAT team was put on alert after a passing motorist thought the guns were real.
Uh huh. That's one way to train "young adults in leadership skills." My question is whether he was reprimanded for using fake assault weapons in missionary training, or for getting busted after carelessly running the Onward Christian Soldiers workshop too close to the highway?

I wonder if the New Life Church is bleeding parishioners after all this bad publicity, or if there's enough forgiveness to go around for all the gay married church leaders rent boys have shaken a stick at. If they start hurting for cash, they ought to consider a corporate sponsorship from Planters—because that joint is chock full of nuts.


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