And So the "I'm Ignoring the ISG Report" Begins

Who needs Poppy's experts? I've got my own!

President Bush heard a blunt and dismal assessment of his handling of Iraq from a group of military experts yesterday, but the advisers shared the White House's skeptical view of the recommendations made last week by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, sources said.

The three retired generals and two academics disagreed in particular with the study group's plans to reduce the number of U.S. combat troops in Iraq and to reach out for help to Iran and Syria, according to sources familiar with the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the session was private.
Wow. It's totally amazing how the military experts had precisely the same objections to the ISG report as the White House, isn't it?

The military experts also suggested "that the president should review his national security team," which—in another shocker—appears to be in perfect alignment with rumors that Bush and his new Sec. Def. Gates plan to replace Marine Gen. Peter Pace as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Serendipity!

Oy. Worst. President. Ever.

Update: In comments, Chris Howard points to this post by Rob at Emphasis Added. Go read. Excellent stuff.

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