What one thing do you want to learn that you haven't yet? Another language? A musical instrument? A skill? A sport?
There's very little I wouldn't want to learn, given the time and opportunity, but at the top of the list has to be learning Spanish, knitting, and bellydancing.
Mr. Shakes says his list is topped by learning Spanish, ballroom dancing, and carpentry.
[Aside: One of the things I most admire about Mr. Shakes is that he can learn absolutely anything he puts his mind to, and learn it almost instantly. In the time I've known him, he's taught himself how to lay hardwood floors, Latin, and all kinds of other junk. Right now, he's reading a book on how to build a computer, and I'm quite certain when he's done, he'll know how to build one. I also taught him how to read music and pick out a simple tune on the piano in about a week and a half. It's sort of disgusting, really.]
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