Question of the Day

Now that the Democrats have won (won, bitchez, won!), the question is whether they will—as the president, his party, and the media are imploring—reach out in a spirit of bipartisanship, go hogwild with luminous glee on a massive investigate-a-thon and concede nary so much as a kind glance in the GOP’s general direction, or something in between.

No matter what they do, someone is going to be unhappy…but who? Obviously, the last people they should take into consideration are their Republican peers, who have been unapologetically abusing them (and the American people) for a long time. That leaves the Dems to find a strategy that straddles satisfying the base and living up to the expectations of moderate voters, both of whom were instrumental in giving them their new majority. (And, realistically, the moderates' expectations clearly include A New Direction, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into a perfect alignment with the base’s ideals. Finding the overlap is really key to this issue, I think.)

So, the question is: How do they achieve that balance? What would you recommend to the Democrats?

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