Question of the Day

If someone gave you $300, with the requirement that it be spent on treating yourself, not stuck in savings or used to pay the bills or donated to a worthy cause, how would you spend it?

I would tell Mr. Shakes to get on his finest duds, and we'd head out for our favorite restaurant, which we unfortunately can't usually afford, a little French bistro in a nearby town that rivals (and surpasses many of) the best French restaurants at which I've eaten in New York, Chicago, and London. (I'm not sure how or why the owner and chef ended up where he did, but I'm certainly glad of it.) We'd order a great bottle of wine and splendid food, and spend hours savoring it over great conversation, which is, luckily, always free and plentiful at Shakes Manor. Whatever was left over, I'd spend on shoes, natch.

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