This disproportionate use of governmental force to bust up a peaceful demonstration by workers is bloody outrageous. Coming on the heels of the UCLA student being tased by police, seeing "Houston Police Department mounted police [charge] violently into the intersection to break up the demonstration" is even more disturbing. At least one demonstrator, and member of SEIU Local 32BJ, Hazel Ingram, an 83 year-old janitor from New York City, was taken to the hospital for an injury. There was no attempt to make arrests peacefully.
When the protestors were taken to jail, it got even worse. A diabetic's medical needs were ignored. The female protestors were called "whores" by a guard. A protestor with a broken wrist was kicked.
I would say "Welcome to America 2.0," except we've been here before. These are battles we've already fought—and now workers' rights are being taken away again.
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