More Good News

First, the bad news. There were eight states that had same-sex marriage amendments on the ballot last night, and seven of them passed.

The good news? One of them didn’t.

Arizona was the first state to defeat a proposed ban on same-sex marriage. One out of 20 may seem to paint a rather bleak picture, but consider that Vermont and Connecticut have laws protecting civil unions, New Jersey is soon to follow suit, if not offer full marriage rights, and Massachusetts protects full marriage equality. We’re slowly making progress, and the first ever defeat of a proposed ban by the voters is nothing to be sniffed at.

And here’s some food for thought: Hostility toward same-sex marriage is indelibly linked to the corrupt, hateful GOP who just got thrown out on its ass.

The Federal Marriage Amendment is dead. It will not be cynically resurrected during the next campaign season to rev up Bush’s base. Over the next few years, the issue of same-sex marriage will probably be largely ignored at the federal legislative level. When and if it is resurrected by social conservatives looking to rally an exiled base, moderates will inevitably recall these nightmarish years—and I believe with all sincerity that such a negative association will mean the end of majority support for legislated bigotry against gays, particularly because the next generation of first-time voters are more gay-friendly and supportive of marriage equality than any demographic before them.

The GOP had its chance, and it managed to get 19 states. Out of 50. The rest belong to us—and so will the other 19, too…eventually.


In other good news, South Dakota defeated the abortion ban. Fucking right on. I recommend this post by Amanda on what these successes portend for social progressivism.

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