I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire

Did you see the Simpsons "Treehouse of Horror" episode last night?

If not, here's how it ended:

The clip unfortunately ends a little early (the song, silence, and explosions continued for a while), so the effect is a little diminished. But, you get the idea. I was struck by two things:

1. I'm amazed that FOX advertised this episode using the "You said we'd be greeted as liberators!" gag. Hell, I'm amazed this bit made it on to FOX at all.

2. The total absence of a punchline at the end of this episode is both jarring, and completely effective.

What did you think of it? Discuss.

(If you'd like to watch the entire segment, it's here. If anyone knows who performs "World on Fire" at the end of the episode, please let me know. I'm a big fan of tin-pan alley tunes, and I really like this version.)

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