I'm with Rox. I'm thankful that I can get clean drinking water any time I like. I'm also thankful that I don't live in such desperation that I have to run for blocks in intense heat in the hopes that I might get a sip of water being dangled by a sadistic asshole.
I can't imagine why Iraq wants us to fuck off and go home.
I wonder what all the people these kids passed are thinking, and what they'll think the next time they're around a soldier in a vulnerable position?
I wonder how these kids are going to feel about America when they grow up?
And what will they tell their kids?
UPDATE: I should point out, as a commenter stated over at The Smirking Chimp, that these may not be American Soldiers. They might be contractors. However, that distinction won't matter much to these children, and the people observing, and every Iraqi that hears about this incident.
(Tip of the Energy Dome to The Smirking Chimp. Clink, clink, another cross-post...)
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